Django: Access Trac from Your Webapp Using XML-RPC

31 May 2012

At work, we recently decided to open up our ticket system to the staff. This way they could directly submit tickets for us to edit, and view tickets that have been submitted. This is more in line with how most devs seem to use ticketing systems anyway.

However, using trac's default web interface is pretty awful in my opinion. We created a custom interface that seamlessly integrates with our application, so no-one even notices it's a separate system. Since the XML-RPC plugin was already installed on trac and Python has a built in XML-RPC library, I decided to use that as the method of communication between our application and trac. Here's an example of how to grab ticket details:

  1. Make sure you have the XML-RPC plugin installed on Trac.
  2. Make a dummy user with XML-RPC permissions or enable XML-RPC for anonymous users.
  3. Example code:
    import xmlrpclib
        server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('https://USER:PASS@TRAC_LOCATION/login/xmlrpc')
        # You can put any valid Trac ticket query here, max=0 returns every ticket
        # Note this returns only ticket ID's
        tickets = server.ticket.query('max=0')
        # Multicall is used to reduce requests, combines into one POST
        multicall = xmlrpclib.MultiCall(server)
        for ticket in tickets:
        for ticket in multicall():
            # At this point 'ticket' is a list. At index 0 is the ticket ID, followed by the created timestamp,
            # then the last modified timestamp, and finally a dictionary of the ticket's attributes.
            # Do with them what you will :)
  4. I wouldn't run this kind of query if you have a lot of tickets though, this is just an example!

    A quick note to this, if you're trying to access these dates to perform operations on or output using Django's date template filter, you'll want to change them from DateTime instances to datetime instances. I don't know if this is the "best" way, but I couldn't find anything else and this worked nicely. If you know of something more straightforward, let me know!

    from datetime import datetime
    correct_datetime_instance = datetime.strptime(str(incorrect_datetime_instance), '%Y%m%dT%H:%M:%S')

    And as one last example, here's how we did ticket submission.

     form = TicketSubmitForm()
        # Connect to trac server.
        server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy('https://USER:PASS@TRAC_LOCATION/login/xmlrpc')
        if request.method == 'POST':
            form = TicketSubmitForm(request.POST)
            if form.is_valid():
                user = request.user
                subject = form.cleaned_data['subject']
                description = form.cleaned_data['description']
                system = form.cleaned_data['system']
                # Create a ticket.
                ticket_number = server.ticket.create("Webform Ticket: {subject}".format(subject=subject),
                                                     "From {user}<{username}>: \n\n{description}".format(description=description,
                                                     {'component': system, 'type': 'task'})